Monday, March 26, 2012

Running Wild

They look like ponies let out of the corral for the first time.
A pack of puppies, uninhibited by leash or fence.
They run the gauntlet of the yard. A field of grass, a place to play.
I watch them from the window. Partly because I love to watch them and partly because the container of mini peanut butter cups happens to be in the drawer next to the window.
I am watching my dreams running and laughing and occasionally tackling.

When we bought this house the big side yard was a maze of flowers and gardens. There were 17 different types of trees just in that side area. It was very beautiful, but somehow, it wasn't quite what I had in mind. Dave asked me what we should do with it and I said, "I want a big green field where little bodies can run fast and far. I want soccer games and football matches and a dog to play fetch with."

We only had two little bodies at the time and one of them couldn't even walk, much less run yet, but I had a dream.
And tonight I saw it. I heard it. The laughter and screams, the running wild in the spring sun. And I remembered that this is my job, to dream big dreams for my children, to pray big prayers, to do the work it takes to make those dreams a possibility.
As they fell in a heap like the flopsy bunnies, my hand froze in the package of peanut butter cups and I realized that this fulfillment is only a shadow of the ones to come. That no matter how busy life gets the root of it all is bound up in the heart that dreams.

I run wild with my dreams for them.
I whisper them over the tired bodies that fall into bed tonight.
"May he seek you and find you when he seeks you with all his heart..."
"May she know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge ...."
"May You perfect the good work You have begun in this child..."
"That he may be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding..."
"That she will know Christ and the power of His resurrection..."

My prayers whispered over their sleepy heads.
Words with a vision that blur into their slumber and lodge tightly in their hearts.
Words that run wild through their dreams.

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