Friday, August 8, 2014

A Letter to my Aunt

Dear Aunt Karen,

Thank you for coming to visit my mother, your sister. You make her so happy.

She has had a bad couple of weeks of pain. As you know, she fell down my steps and broke her foot.

She was actually using a walker which aged her considerably. I told her to stop using it because when I was with her, it also aged me. I can not possibly be old enough to have a mother who needs a walker.
But when you came, the walker was tossed aside and she walked blithely.

My children loved you because you bought them books and called them "normal" (a word I've certainly never called them).

They also loved you because you called their Grandma "Tootypants".
Which is accurate.
They loved that you showed them pictures of your funny, beautiful grandkids.

I loved that you are an easy laugh. I loved that you probably disagreed with 75% of what I said, but you didn't let on that you did, (except for that slip about the rapture). I loved that you only wear cotton or linen and that you have Hebrew words around your neck.

I loved that before I took this picture you ran off to "put on your lips". Which is something that is apparently only done in your home state of Texas. Mom and I thought you were going to come out with wax lips or maybe a Mr. Potatoehead smile.

Ma Glo and Aunt Karen with her lips
My mom finally got her desire for a little sister when she was nine years old. You made her very happy. Except when you wet your pants. I am sorry she made you wash out your panties even though you were only three. It was cruel. She deserves to be called Tootypants. And apparently I deserve (for reasons known only to yourself) to be told that story every time I see you. To quote your favorite movie, "let it go" Aunt Karen.

You still make her very happy. Even though you ran out of my house claiming you were about to wet your pants. I wonder what she would have done if you had. We may never know. Although there will be other visits and your not getting any younger.

Again, thank you for coming Aunt Karen.

Thank you for flirting with the waiter at the pizza place to make my mother laugh.

I'm sorry my tea gave you hot flashes.

Your loving, laughing niece,

1 comment:

  1. Too, too funny! What beautiful sisters. What did they do to deserve a daughter and niece like you?
    Rose w/o bangs? I'm adjusting.



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