Saturday, February 6, 2010


We all, I believe, have bouts of insanity (some of us are more bouty than others). Friday, for instance. My snotty kids (noses not personality) made it impossible for the friends we had invited over to come over. So I had to come up with Friday fun off the cuff. What do you think I suggested? A walk? A movie? How about a wall mural? As the cat ran through the bowl of paint and careened through the house, the sanity questions arose.
But it turned out lovely and the babes had fun! But we still had time to about we walk downtown and get Grant's hair cut and then tour the antique store. This too, went well, until the walk home. The hill in front on my house could be labeled "the Bermuda hill" or "the Camas triangle" or something like that for strange things have happened on it. Injury aplenty. Out-of-control bikers careening through our fence, etc. Rose met her fate there Friday; face first. Knot on head, teeth sunk into tongue, blood, screaming.

I went to find some medicine, after I cleaned her up, and came back to Rowan doctoring her. She looked like most people do after spending time with Rowan.

Really, when it comes down to all this excitement or a movie, is there really any choice? Stories are made because we choose to make them. Given the choice I choose insanity.


  1. I concur about that hill!!!! Oy vey, is that the hill and then all of those steps leading up that MaGlo wanted me to walk and then you very kindly picked us up at the antique store so that the younger of the two sisters would not have a heart attack attempting the climb back home?????

    Loved Rowan's face....what a hoot. Feel better Rosie Posie. She's SO cute! LOL!

  2. Forgot to add: Nice mural! Maybe you can rent the kiddos out and they can start their own business!! Oh, the cat too, for added effect! LOL!



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