Sunday, July 17, 2011

On Battles, Weddings, and Boy Slugs

I walk down the hall tonight in my apron. The apron pocket contains three rubber gloves and two bottles of ointment. The antibiotics were administered earlier.

This Florence Nightingale moment is a result of a doctor's appointment. Rowan had a staph infection in his eczema several weeks ago. I noticed in dismay last week that it appeared to have spread to Grant and perhaps Rose.
I took them all in to get looked at and nonchalantly asked the doctor if he could peek in Posy's ears as she hasn't been hearing me too well. Double ear infection, tubes bulging with fluid. He said he was surprised she could hear at all.
Grant was infected, Rowan and Rose inflamed.
All this infectious joy two days before we left for my niece's wedding.

So I packed rubber gloves and medicines and ointments in a chic pink case and made the best of it.
I slept between two lubricated little boys, who left a trail resembling slug slime everywhere they went.
We watched our brother-in-law give away his little girl.
 My flower girl traded her flowers for a ring and vowed her life to another.
At the reception a violent thunderstorm hit.
Mom said it reminded her of the passage in Revelations where the throne of God is surrounded by thunder and lightning storms.
Yes, even here in the holy moments, there is battle, symbolic and actual.
It is grace to be reminded of this.

I battle pray over these little boys with their wounds and my little girl with her muted ears and I know that these prayers will subtly change over the years.
My sister's battle prayers for her bride daughter are very different than mine, yet the heart is the same.
We want health for our children.
Physical health, spiritual health, mental health.
Robust health.

So I am Florence tonight, with an apron pocket stuffed with soothing salves and a heart stuffed with love for these children.
I touch their faces (after I dispose of the gloves) and pray God's perfect health for them.
My heart is full of the reality of storms and battles and the strength He gives to weather them all.
I am not afraid to fight for them, because I have more in my pocket than just topical help.
I have the Word of God, which never returns void, I have the Holy Spirit, guiding and helping, and I have Jesus Himself, interceding on my behalf.
I am well armed for the years that lay ahead.
It is grace to be reminded of this.

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